Time is really starting to fly for me lately!! I can't believe Kaylee turned 8 years old this weekend. (pics and post to follow after her baptism this weekend):)
About a month ago I was called as the 1st Counselor in the Primary Presidency. I was so excited because I love primary. So far the calling has been great! Yes, it has added some more things to schedule and time to make sure things I am supposed to do get done. What calling doesn't thought, right?!
Well, this weekend Kevin was called to be the Young Men's President. I was also excited about this calling because from the time he got the phone call asking him to meet with the bishop to the time I saw him after the meeting, I had been feeling like he was gonna get called as the Young Men's President. It was just something that had been going through my mind, so when he told me, I knew it was the right thing and the Lord was going to provide a way for him to accomplish it. I also have all the faith that our family will be able to schedule everything well and I know we will be blessed!!
So anyway, tonight Kaylee went to her first Activity Days (since she turned 8), Kyle went to scouts and Kevin went to Young Mens. What a weird feeling it has been for me to have just my 2 youngest at home. I can't believe we are entering this stage in life with my kids!! I love seeing my kids grow and become such great young people, but I also want to push the pause button!! I love my kiddos and my family!! I am so thankful that Heavenly Father trusts me enough to send these precious kids to me!!
3 days ago