Saturday, August 29, 2009

Birthdays, Start of School and Everything In Between

What a wonderful whirlwind this summer has been. To start off we were off to New York for Kevin's graduation. It was so exciting!! Good job Kev!! We are all so proud of you!!

Then we were off to Casper. We got into our WONDERFUL house and have been loving it. The kids have been enjoying a bigger yard and getting to know some new friends. We had a small inflatable pool in the back yard and the kids spent almost everyday in it. What could be better in summer?!
We were able to take a quick family vacation on one of Kevin's rare days off. We went to Thermopolis Wyoming. It is known for the famous Dinosaur Museum, Wax Museum and Largest Mineral Hot Springs. On the way home we stopped at a few pioneer historical sites. It was really neat and humbling to see the amount of sacrifice the pioneers went through.

On the 14th of August was Kyle's 10th birthday!! He got some great presents including an Air Soft BB Gun. He was so excited. We celebrated his birthday by going to the Ayres Natural Bridge park. It was nice to celebrate his birthday as a family!

School started on the 17th of August. The kids were very excited and also nervous to meet new friends and teachers. So far I think it is going to be a good school year!

Kolbi turned 1 year old on the 21st. She was very patient as I dressed her up and took her outside for some pictures. We tried a few different locations and outfits and she was a trooper through them all. Unfortunately, I am not the best photographer and am still learning my new camera, but here a few that I am hoping to edit and make look a better. Of course, I cannot improve Kolbi, just the backgrounds. :)
After a long day of playing and pictures, I brought Kolbi home to feed her and she was so tired she fell asleep before I could get any food in her. She is such a cutie!! We all adore her!!

We celebrated Kolbi's birthday a few days late because of Kevin's work schedule. I don't think she was too upset about it though, especially when she got to dig into her presents and cake.

All in all, we have had a great summer! We are happy to be in this next chapter of life called "Residency".